Steering Committee, March 16

03/16/2021 Steering Meeting

Steering Committee, March 16

Facilitator: Brian

Secretary: Ryan M

Attending: Kurtis, Ryan, Tim, Brian, Ali, Eric S (for NOVA), Frankie, Rachel, Stu, Paola, Tom B.,

Absent: Irene (excused), Saoirse, Alex L


Minutes + Agenda

Meeting came to order at 7:02 pm. Brian reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgement. Asks for any amendments to the agenda. Agenda is approved without objection.

Brian asks for adoption of the previous minutes. An item was withdrawn at the last meeting which was not recorded in the minutes. Steering amends previous minutes to reflect that amendment without objection.

Minutes are adopted as amended without objection.


Secretary Report (Ryan M)

Ryan updates on Adcom. New stewards are being put forward for various Departments. Stephanie G for Security, Ashley P for Events, and Micheal M for Comms. Motion to approve stewards are adopted without objection.

Treasurer Report (Brian W)

Brain delivers the treasurer’s report. Brian motivates allocations to the budget included in his report. Report is adopted unanimously.

NOVA Branch Report (Alex H)

Eric Sreports on the work of the NoVa branch. Continuing work on tenants organizing and various internal member projects. Campaign will be working on PRO act in coordination with VA chapters, targeting Mark Warner.

MoCo Branch (Alex L)

Skipped as Alex was not in attendance.

PG County Branch (Tom)

Nominations for Branch Steering elections are open. Bill Fletcher Jr will be speaking at tomorrow’s Branch meeting. Labor working group is meeting and discussing Amazon organizing. PG County Council considering a resolution on Medicare for All, branch will likely be signing on to a letter supporting the resolution.

Old Business

Branch Reform Commission (Frankie)

The Commission has begun holding interviews for additions to the body. Frankie lays out the general plan of work for the Commission going forward, including interviewing other chapters about their structure, and distributes a membership survey to gather feedback.

Motion is adopted as written by unanimous vote.

Plan of Work (Brian)

Brian names and shames all the steering members who have not done their plan of work sections. All steering members with outstanding sections that need submission are encouraged to do so.

HGO Selection Process (Rachel)

Rachel reports on the work of the HGO committee process.

New Business


Standing rules from last delegate election are here. Will only require minor edits to update for current delegate allocation which should be published soon. Ryan M will submit a draft for steering to review at the next call.

PRO Act (Kurtis)

Kurtis proposes a big push on PRO at the next GBM. General agreement to that. Also discussion about Janeese speaking around budget talks.

Reggaeton Social (Kurtis)

A comrade has volunteered to host a reggaeton social for the chapter. Maybe tie it into the PRO act campaign.

Brian motions we allocate $250 to the project. Motion is seconded and passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourns at 9:31 pm.