Member Statements on 2023-04-GR9: Amend the Chapter's Internal Elections Policy

IN FAVOR by Kareem E.

Comrades, I urge you to vote yes on the Election Rules Package. The key change is to codify approval voting as the method used to select delegates for National Convention. I support this change, because I believe approval voting produces results that most accurately reflect the will of the chapter. Approval, as a system, comes down to simply tallying the votes, with the winners being the candidates who demonstrate broad support. I believe this is the most democratic way to poll the preferences of the body for multi-choice voting.

Alternative systems, such as STV or Borda require that voters rank every available candidate based on preference. This can be unwieldy in an election as large as that for delegate, which could have well over 50 candidates. Additionally, these systems are highly subject to factional gaming. Under a system such as Single Transferable Vote, a highly disciplined faction can achieve outsized representation by voting in a block, overriding more broadly popular candidates. This may be advantageous to the faction in question, but it is not an accurate representation of the will of the body at large.

I believe approval voting is the best method for selecting candidates and reflecting the will of the general body. This method has been successful for our local steering elections,I believe it will continue to be the most democratic method for us to conduct elections. Please vote yes on this package.