06/29/2021 Steering Meeting
Steering Committee, June 22
Facilitator: Kurtis
Secretary: Brendan G.
Location: Zoom
Attending: Abel A., Lauren Katz, Kareem Elrefai, Brendan G., Irene Koo, Stephanie G., Stuart Karaffa, Kurtis
Absent: Runal, Brian, Saoirse
Meeting came to order at 5:04 pm. Kurtis reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgement. Asks for any amendments to the agenda.
Kurtis motions for unanimous passing of agenda. Abel raises a point of information acknowledging that approving the agenda unanimously approves the unanimous consent agenda. After a short period for members to review the consent agenda, both the agenda and consent agenda pass unanimously.
Kurtis motions to approve previous minutes adopted with unanimous consent – motion passes
Kurtis gives a high-level summary on the reports, then opens the floor for report reps
Labor (Sam)
- Kurtis suggests to connect with Brendan and Stephanie re: Action Network for mobilization matters, and Brendan notes that Mobilization Dept. now has a team committed to Campaigns Council with the passing of tonight’s consent agenda
- GND (Michael)
SOS (Doug)
- Gary will boost the Freedom Plaza event on Saturday in the Weekend Update
- Sign up link: Here
- Gary will boost the Freedom Plaza event on Saturday in the Weekend Update
- Defund MPD (Gary)
- M4A (Gayatri)
Queer Section (Nate)
- Upcoming Queer Section happy hour with AfroSoc and SocFem: link
- SNS (David)
- No one present to report tonight
- Publications (Gary)
Abel: DSA is holding an event on July 7th about how to hold good meetings
New Business
July Campaign Fair (Lauren)
Mobilization (Lauren and Kareem)
Exec session began at 7:02pm