08/31/2021 Steering Meeting
Facilitator: Abel
Secretary: Brendan G.
Location: Zoom
Declared absences: Stu, Lauren
Undeclared absences: Saoirse
Meeting came to order at 7:02 pm. Stu reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgement. Asks for any amendments to the agenda.
Brendan motions for there to be a roll call take of attendance, it passes unanimously.
Motion to add I-77 campaign to new business is approved unanimously.
- The agenda is approved with unanimous consent.
- The previous minutes are adopted with unanimous consent.
- Financial Report (Lauren)
- Secretary Report (Brendan)
- NoVA Branch (Alex H)
- MoCo Branch (Alex L)
- PG Branch (Ralph)
- Political Education & Organizer Training Portfolio Report (Brian) (For minutes, no time needed)
Old Business
- PEC (Abel)
New Business
Greenbelt Reparations Commission (Abel)
- Adopted unanimously
- End the Damn Wars, Sept. 11 (Brendan)
- September 12th GBM
- Motion to swap Saoirse and Stephanie for GBM chairing - Saoirse will chair October, Stephanie September
Slack access (Brendan)
- Tabled unanimously to next meeting
- I-77 Campaign (Kurtis)
Meeting went into exec session at 8:49pm ET