Statement from Ryan M. IN FAVOR of Resolution 21-05-R02
My name is Ryan Mosgrove and I’m seeking our chapter’s nomination for National Political Committee. I first became politically active during the Iraq War and first got involved in organizing after organizing for a union at the restaurant I worked at back in 2010. I joined MDC DSA in 2016, and have been an active member of the chapter ever since, even while I worked for DSA as National Youth Coordinator until 2018.
In 2017 I helped organize the chapter’s J20 presence for the inauguration of Donald Trump. As a union organizer I have been involved in the Labor Working Group, helping develop and circulate a labor census for membership in 2019 and organizing carpools to the United Auto Workers strike at the General Motors facility in White Marsh, MD. I have continued to be active in DSA’s labor work including being involved in the field team for the national PRO Act campaign.
For the past year I’ve served as Secretary for the chapter. When I ran for Secretary in 2020, in my candidate statement I wrote, “[T]he chapter has a lot of new infrastructure such as Spoke, VAN, and Action Network, and we need to turn these tools to help drive us forward as a chapter with an active base and deep roots in communities and workplaces. I want to work on consolidating our organizing infrastructure to support growth and development, refine and improve our practices for member intake, and scale up our operations to prepare for the work to come.”
Since I’ve been Secretary I’ve been able to work alongside the phenomenal comrades in the MDC chapter to help make these goals a reality. Over the past year we’ve been able to revolutionize our organizing infrastructure and dramatically scale up our capacity to support the work of the membership. And since 2020 also included a global pandemic, a national recession, mass protest for racial justice, and even an invasion by the Trump Administration, we were able to achieve this scaling up in incredibly challenging times.
Over the past year however, we’ve dramatically expanded the active membership of the Administrative Committee from roughly 10 to over 50 volunteers. We’ve built a chapter wide Member Portal giving every member access to the work of the chapter at their fingertips. And we’ve been able to build an incredible member onboarding pipeline and member retention program which I think is now one of the best of any chapter in the country.
As a candidate for the National Political Committee and as a delegate to the DSA National Convention there are a lot of great resolutions I’m excited to support at Convention. “Empowering DSA’s Mass Abolition Work” will help give the anti-carceral work chapters like MDC have been doing over the past year a strong national focus and dedicated support. “Committing to International Socialist Solidarity” will help DSA continue the phenomenal work that’s been done over the past two years to build relationships with workers parties in the global south and to establish DSA firmly as an anti-imperialist organization. “2021 Ecosocialist Green New Deal Priority” will help expand the inspiring work DSA has done around the Green New Deal and the PRO Act. And resolutions like “Beyond 100K”, “Making DSA a Multiracial and Anti-Racist Organization”, and “Building Transformative Justice” will help create a clear plan to make DSA a multiracial, mass organization that can win.
If the Convention passes these resolutions, we will need a National Political Committee committed to this vision to make it a reality and I hope to carry this work out as a member of the next NPC.