Statement IN FAVOR
Hudson C.
I support this priority campaign because it is our duty as socialists to always look internationally. This is our duty especially because we live in the United States. The principal contradiction in the world is the imperialist system headed by the United States, the United States military, and its alliances such as NATO. While living in the heart of this barbaric system we have every obligation to tear it down so our comrades around the globe can be free, and only then can we ourselves be free. Without this global perspective we will only create “National” Socialism at home. While the US sponsors a genocide in Gaza, puts sanctions on the majority of the worlds poor, and occupies the globe with over 800 military bases we cannot lose sight on our real historic mission which is taking down the US war machine, and with it its imperalist system. This work should be one of our highest priorites.
A quote from Malcolm X whose example we all fall short from:
“As long as you think that we should get Mississippi straightened out before we worry about the Congo, you’ll never get Mississippi straightened out”