Statements from chapter members in favor and against PCR1: Select Labor as a Priority Campaign for 2024 will be posted in this thread.
N FAVOR by Eduarda S.
I wholeheartedly support prioritizing the Labor Working Group as a campaign for 2024. Our proven dedication, as demonstrated in mobilizing for major labor campaigns and supporting strikes, aligns seamlessly with our democratic socialist values. The proposed 2024 plan, encompassing local union support, job fairs, and ongoing unionization efforts, underscores our commitment to social justice. Our group’s vigilance in defending Initiative 82 showcases a proactive approach to advocating for workers’ rights. By making labor a chapter priority, we affirm our commitment to core socialist principles and the well-being of our community. I strongly urge fellow members to vote in favor of prioritizing the Labor Working Group for 2024, amplifying our impact and advocating for a more just DMV.