Statement from Stu K - IN FAVOR - regarding Resolution PCR3: Select Electoral Organizing as a Priority Campaign
I am voting in favor of the Electoral priority proposal to become a priority campaign for our chapter. Although electoral organizing is not—and cannot—be the only tactic that our chapter uses to bring about a better world, we have learned in the last five years that moving a mass program is extremely difficult if not impossible without democratic socialist champions in office. If the chapter chooses electoral organizing as a priority for us in 2022, we will be well positioned to support our endorsed candidates and ensure we have fellow chapter members in legislative bodies across the region. Even with the relatively low number of endorsed candidates that our chapter has elected, those candidates have fought for and successfully won tax increases on the rich in D.C., a ban on private ICE detention centers and sweeping policy transparency rules in the state of Maryland, and a cap on insulin prices in Virginia. We can continue to deliver material benefits such as these by making electoral organizing a priority in our chapter.