Statements from chapter members in favor and against PCR3: Select Stomp Out Slumlords as a Priority Campaign for 2024 will be posted in this thread.
IN FAVOR by Aparna R.
I am writing to encourage you to vote in FAVOR of Stomp Out Slumlords as a priority resolution. SOS has continuously proven itself as a campaign that reaches the working class in the region outside of DSA and that gets material gains for tenants.
SOS has organized with dozens of buildings in the region, helping start rent strikes, fight for better living conditions, and work tenants through exercising their Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act rights. As one example, Marbury Plaza, a large building in Ward 8, has been organizing with SOS around a rent strike to protest inhumane living conditions for the past 3 years. Through their organizing, they’ve gotten press attention, set up a new tenants union, got the Office of the Attorney General to bring a lawsuit against the building, and most recently, a judge ruled that the tenants at the building should receive 50% off their rent dated back to May 2022. That is a real material win for the working class, and as SOS continues organizing buildings across DC, VA and MD, it’s vital that they have priority campaign status to build a militant tenants movement. Please vote for Stomp Out Slumlords!
IN FAVOR by Nicole Z.
SOS has likely been our most active and most successful priority campaign since the beginning of the priority campaign process in 2021. I’ve been privileged to get involved in SOS this past year as we worked to build some of the relationships established during the Montgomery County rent stabilization campaign into longer-term tenant organization and I’m especially excited that this priority campaign includes the MoCo branch’s work to spread the word about the new rent stabilization law. Please vote to continue to support this important organizing!