Steering Committee, April 13

04/13/2021 Steering Meeting

Steering Committee, April 13

Facilitator: Irene

Secretary: Ryan M

Attending: Kurtis, Ryan,Brian, Ali, Alex H, Frankie, Rachel, Stu, Tom B, Irene, Alex L, Paola,

Absent: Saoirse, Tim


Minutes + Agenda

Meeting came to order at 7:02 pm. Brian reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgement. Asks for any amendments to the agenda. Agenda is approved without objection. Minutes are adopted without objection.


Secretary Report (Ryan M)

Slight backlog on Red Desk tickets but nothing to be concerned about. Ryan M proposes we make the members nominations public up to 5 nominations so candidates can know when they have enough. Motion is seconded and passes without objection.

Treasurer Report (Brian W)

Brain delivers the treasurer’s report. Rollout of approved budget going well. Reach out to him if you have questions.

NOVA Branch Report (Alex H)

Not much more to add to what was said at the GBM. Looking to set up an advisory board similar to what MoCo has. Need more people to take on the leadership work.

MoCo Branch (Alex L)

Budget and Tax Equity WG still working well. Activity around the county council budget. Branch Steering discussing next GBM and proposals for a topic.

PG County Branch (Zuhayr)

Branch steering elections are in full swing. There are 7 candidates for 6 seats. Elections will be wrapped up next week. Programming going on for members around the PRO Act.

Old Business

Pro Act May Day event (Kurtis)

Planning going forward for May Day. Unions are doing a canvass that day so many unions will not be rallying. We will be having a Reggaeton bash that day as well courtesy of Oscar. Labor WG is working on labor partners for the May Day event.

Plan of Work (Kurtis)

Kurtis proposes we approve a plan of work and that it be published so members can get a sense of what steering does. Motion is seconded and passes unanimously.

New Business

JWJ Steering (Stu)

As a dues paying partner of Jobs with Justice we are entitled to a seat on their steering committee. It is currently empty. Stu will keep us advised but we should fill the seat soon.

Language Accessability update (Irene)

Working on a plan for how to incorporate language accessibility for our meetings. Advice seems to be to have a plan to offer it at every meeting but not necessarily have it at every meeting if it isn’t requested. Also looking at transcription for meetings as well.

Mobilization Steward (Ali)

Ali motivates Andrew S for Mobilization department steward. Motion is seconded and passes unanimously.

Virtual Mobilization Fair proposal (Irene/Lauren)

Lauren presents a proposal on holding a virtual mobilization fair. The event would be held on Gather, so members could visit various projects.

May GBM (Kurtis)

Kurtis gets the ball rolling on May GBM. Frankie will be chairing the May GBM. Lots of support for doing a year retrospective on the murder of George Floyd and having Defund give a presentation. Need to figure out how to work in business since there’s a lot of votes happening.

Meeting adjourns at 8:22 pm.