05/11/2021 Steering Meeting
Steering Committee, May 11
Facilitator: Irene
Secretary: Ryan M
Attending: Kurtis, Ryan, Eric S (for NoVa), Rachel, Stu, Irene, Alex L, Tim, Saoirse, Paola
Absent: Frankie (excused), Brian (excused), Tom (excused)
Minutes + Agenda
Meeting came to order at 7:03 pm. Rachel reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgement. Asks for any amendments to the agenda. Agenda is approved without objection. Minutes are adopted without objection.
Secretary Report (Ryan M)
Just preparing for the transition. Internal Elections Department is all set up and settled in. If members need to contact them their email is internal-elections@mdcdsa.org.
Treasurer Report (Brian W)
Brian is not present but the current finance report is here.
NOVA Branch Report (Eric S)
First meeting of the Nova advisory committee meeting is on Sunday. Will be supporting the work of the branch. Meant to be a step towards a larger steering committee.
Rachel hands chairing back over to Irene.
MoCo Branch (Alex L)
Just had their GBM with a focus on Labor. Will have a meeting soon with Karishma to talk more about the campaign. Planning new member orientations and organizing PRO Act phone banking.
PG County Branch
Zuhayr couldn’t make it so point was skipped.
Old Business
HGO Process (Rachel)
Rachel presents a report on the extended HGO process. Planning to send out a chapter wide email to inform members about the ongoing process. Theres discussion regarding what the process would be if we receive any statements of dissent on potential nominees. Kurtis motions that if we receive any statements that we hold an emergency steering call to review it. This motion passes by unanimous consent.
Defund Logo (Irene)
We decided last call to change our profile picture to Defund coalition from May 15 to June 1. There have been some discussions about messaging since then.
Saoirse motions to reverse the decision to change the avatar image and to change the header image during the same time period to a defund mpd themed image to be designed by the comms department. Motion is seconded and passes unanimously.
May GBM (Tim)
Discussion about times and business for the GBM call to accommodate everything.
New Business
May GBM Resolutions First Read (Ryan)
Four resolutions were read in. Some discussion on implementation of R01 and whether we could merge the NPC resolutions.
Convention Forum (Brian)
Kurtis presents Brian’s proposal for a Convention delegate forum. Discussion on whether this forum should take place before or after the election, and whether it would be more of a candidate forum or a forum to discuss resolutions.
Kurtis motions to table, and Irene seconds. The proposal will get a vote in Loomio no later than Thursday. Motion passes without objections.
Defund Plan of Work (Kurtis)
Kurtis presents the plan of work from the Defund Working Group. Plan of work is motioned and seconded and passes unanimously.
Meeting moves to executive session at 8:23 pm.