05/25/2021 Steering Meeting
Steering Committee, May 25
Facilitator: Irene
Secretary: Ryan M
Attending: Kurtis, Ryan, Andrew C, Rachel, Stu, Irene, Alex L, Tim, Paola, Brian, Frankie, Ralph
Absent: Saoirse, Ali
Minutes + Agenda
Meeting came to order at 7:05 pm. Brian reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgement. Asks for any amendments to the agenda. Agenda is approved without objection. Minutes are adopted without objection.
Secretary Report (Ryan M)
Just preparing for the transition. Should have Brendan totally up to speed in time for next Steering Call.
Treasurer Report (Brian W)
Same report as GBM.
Campaigns Council (Kurtis)
End of the second quarter is the end of next month, so comrades should be prepared for that. CC meeting being scheduled. Keep you eyes open for that if you are on the next steering.
NOVA Branch Report (Andrew C)
Not much to update since GBM. First in person social in Arlington yesterday. Have a request from NRV Chapter on Socialism in Virginia Forum. Would like us to boost.
MoCo Branch (Alex L)
Ongoing cooperation with canvassing in NOVA for Karishma. Working on more Housing justice work.
PG County Branch
Ralph is the new rep for PG Branch. This weekend PG Steering had a retreat and internal officer elections. Created a Vice Chair for member engagement position. Zuhayr is Branch Chair, John is Vice Chair of Membership Engagement, Ralph is Treasurer, Tom is Secretary.
New Business
Transition Prep (Kurtis)
Kurtis presents the transition checklist. Motion to hold a transition meeting sometime in the next two weeks. Motion passes without objection.
Organizer Training (Rachel)
Rachel gives an update on organizer trainings. Has handed off to Taylor and Shannon.
HGO Next Steps (Rachel)
Process is finished! The steering committee thanks Rachel and Kurtis for seeing this process through.
PEC transition resolution (Stu)
Stu presents resolution on PEC transition process. Motion is seconded and passes unanimously.
Draft Electoral Endorsement Process (Stu)
Stu presents a draft of the electoral endorsement process. Next steering will finalize and consider.
Request Petition Sign On (Kurtis)
Kurtis presents petition for sign on. Motion is seconded and passed unanimously.
New River Valley Event Sign On (Andrew C)
Andrew presents motion to endorse NRV Forum. Motion is seconded and passes unanimously.
Meeting comes to a close at 8:07 pm.