06/22/2021 Steering Meeting
Steering Committee, June 22
Facilitator: Stu
Secretary: Brendan G.
Location: Zoom
Attending: Abel A., Lauren Katz, Kareem Elrefai, Brendan G., Brian Wivell, Irene Koo, Runal Das, Saoirse Gowan, Stephanie G., Stuart Karaffa
Absent: Kurtis
Meeting came to order at 7:05 pm. Stu reads aloud the code of conduct and land acknowledgment. Asks for any amendments to the agenda. The agenda is then approved.
Financial Report (Lauren)
Secretary Report (Brendan)
- Adcom has closed over 70 tickets in the past month, a sign of health and utilization by the chapter.
- More work is being done to prepare for a predicted influx of tickets.
- Brendan also motivates a vote for approval of the previous minutes. They are approved unanimously.
Old Business
Plan of work (Brian)
- Brian volunteers to take point on drafting a plan of work.
- Brendan motions for Brian to take point on drafting plan of work. The motion is seconded and approved unanimously.
Community Garden Working Group proposal (Lauren)
- Lauren motions for suspension of the rules to be able to discuss during old business. Rules are suspended unanimously.
- Note: No action required on behalf of the steering committee for the working group to begin work.
Campaigns Fair update (Lauren)
- Lauren motions to authorize $500 to cover cost. Approved via unanimous consent.
New Business
Electoral endorsement process resolution (Stuart)
Link to proposed endorsement process
- The resolution is motioned by Stu and passed via unanimous consent.
Defund MPD Spoke Text request (Runal)
- Discussion occurs on overall mass text policy and the text is approved according to typical procedure without requiring a steering vote.
- Chapter mass communications policy (Stuart)
Veterans for Socialism Section proposal (Brendan)
- Brian notes that we shouldn’t move down a path of making sections into quasi-campaigns.
- The petition was approved with all voting in favor.
Meeting enters executive session at 9:00 pm est and concludes at 9:26 pm est.